Meet &/or Contact Us:

Meet the Team-
Dr V. L. Welch, (BSc, DPhil).
M. N. Jones (BSc),
Marc Salazaar,
N. Intrater (BSc, MSc)
Victoria Neblik,
Xavier Lopez (BSc),
Susan Taylor,
A much appreciated but ever-changing roster of other/freelance colleagues (see individual articles for credits).
Graphics, Artwork & Layout:
Victoria Neblik & Marc Salazaar
with thanks to: The lovely people on OpenClipArt.Org,
Scientific Consultants:
Ms. N. Intrater (BSc, MSc),
Ms. B. McCreight (RGN, RSCN).
Dr. S. Mouchet (BSc, MSc, PhD).
Our advisors are consulted where applicable on their subject areas, but the content published here is the responsibility of indivdual contributors and does not necessarily reflect the views of
The Greatest Minds or of our scientific consultants.
Contact Us:
All e mails to-editorthegreatestminds@gmail.com
Please avoid attachments- paste text into e mail body- thank you.
If you wish to contact a particular writer, feel free to specify who in the
e mail subject line; your e mail will be forwarded to the appropriate person.
Print/Radio/Television Interviews available with the editor by arrangement. Commentary on popular science issues, scientific philanthropy, science writing, the scientific research process
and science in society is available.
Other individual writers have their own policies- e mail address as above (please specify desired contact in subject line).
Open-minded yet scientific commentary on life in space, UFOs and aliens, E.T.s etc. is also available from specific authors for print, radio and television outlets/documentaries.
We make every effort to respond to all media enquiries as rapidly as we can.
Schools, Colleges, Special Interest groups &
Public/After-Dinner Speaking Agencies etc:
Various in-person talks, lessons, "evenings with..", lectures and webinars are available from the editor and from some of our individual writers. Please make contact by e mail to: editorthegreatestminds@gmail.com
for a pdf of available speakers, contact details and latest fees list (where available).
If you have a press release relating to your recent work or if you wish to be interviewed on your research, feel free to contact the editorial addresses above.
Please DO NOT SEND ANY ATTACHMENTS- just paste text and any links into the e mail's body and link to any images if applicable.
Note that whilst we greatly appreciate you taking the time and trouble to contact us, due to the volume of submissions and due to commercial and editorial pressures, we may be unable to use materials sent to us and we may decline to interview applicants. This is generally not any reflection of our views on the quality or significance of your work, or of your standing. We have to maintain an editorial balance and cater to various pressures that may not be apparent . We also advise that you do not prepare any material exclusively for us without prior discussion- we are happy to receive generic press releases written for circulation to all media outlets and will contact you to discuss these if applicable.
Freelancers & Pitching:
Thank you for your interest in pitching to TheGreatestMinds. At the moment, we are unable to take any more freelance material or submissions. If/As/When this changes, we will change the text here to notify people.