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3 Great Nature-Quotes from 3 Great Minds: Aristotle, Rachel Carson & Louis Agassiz.

Quote on green, grey and blue background with leaves, stars, cogs and stone slabs-"In all things in Nature, there is something of the marvellous"- Aristotle
Image: V. Neblik for

Quote on green, grey and blue background with leaves, stars, cogs and stone slabs-" Quote= "Sutdy Nature, Not Books"- Louis Agassiz, Swiss Scientist, (1807-1873)
Image: V. Neblik for

Quote on green, grey and blue background with leaves, stars, cogs and stone slabs-". Quote="The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction"- Rachel Carson, American Scientist (1907-1964)
Image by V. Neblik for (c) 2018



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